Monday, September 13, 2010

Idea Integration to offer Microsoft stimulus package - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Idea Integration is one of six companies inthe U.S. chosen by to offerf Microsoft Stimulus360. “They’ve cobblef together a lot of Microsofft technology as a solution that can drop into a system and immediatelyg track stimulus dollars and apply forstimuluw dollars,” said Sandy Bateh, a senior vice president at Idea Integrationn and the company’s Microsoft alliance The package is aimed at state and locao governments trying to get their share of the stimuluds money and to tracok its use.
Idea Integration and the other five companiezs offering the package were chosen because of their familiarityg with all of the applications inthe “You have to understanfd the five underlying pieces of the technology,” Bateyh said. Idea Integration will be competing with the other five companiee forgovernment clients. Bateh said the most promising sector islocaol governments, since most of the stimulus money ultimateluy gets spent at that level. Batehy said the alliance with Microsoft givex Idea Integration a chance to landnew “It’s a great opportunityg for companies like us because it gives anothefr entry, it’s a door-opener,” he said.

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