Saturday, October 30, 2010

Air charter companies hitting turbulence - Boston Business Journal:
Envisioning a customer base of executives with fat wallets jetting around the country on business, or just wanting a quick trip to Nantucket, air charter companies began buyint up lightweight jets, plotting public offerings and expanding routes throughout the country. Now facin escalating fuel costs, shaky capital markets and even several ofthe state’s charter jet companies are cominb back down to earth. The air charter services industruy has slumped this year and is down across the boardx by between 15 percentf to 20percent nationwide, accordinvg to Eric Byer, vice president of government and industrg affairs for Alexandria, Va.
-based , which represente about 800 charter jet providers. In New England, traffic by charter jets is down by 35 percent saidJim Betlyon, CEO of N.J.-based ., which tracks the The traffic numbers, he tend to correspond with the stocki market as companies often cut back on charteer travel when business is down, he said. Reasones for the slowdown in growth amon charter jetcompanies — which is where customers rent out the whole aircraft as opposer to fractional jet ownership where the customer purchasez a share in the aircraft are myriad.
Just this week Weymouth-based LLC said it would split the company in two selling thechartef broker, jet membership and fuel management part of the businesxs to a fund led by the company’se former CEO Steven Hankin. — a subsidiarty of Australian investmentbank Ltd. (ASX: MQG) will hold the Sentient brand, while the busines of managing the jets and charterf operations will be run undedr a separate entitythat hasn’t been named. The termsd of the deal, which is expectec to close laterthis month, weren’t discloser and Sentient declined to comment for this article.
The breakup comes after Sentient admitted earlieer this month to billint problems and a 15 perceny drop in membership jet card salese compared to the previous year in an articlre publishedby . Chicopee-based , whicnh announced its intention to go public on the Nasdaq stock exchangein February, postponed its offerinhg when it couldn’t rustler up enough interest. “We went out to rais our capital inearly March,” said Cameron executive vice president of Pogo Jet. “During that time is when you had a completed meltdown of thecapital markets.” The rise in fuel pricex added to the backdrop of a struggling aviation industry and the collapsr of Bear Stearns & Co.
Inc. made attracting institutionao investment hard tocome by, Burr said. While the which is led by former ( : AMR) CEO Robert Crandall, is still planning a publid offering atsome point, the schedulesd start time for operations has been pushed back about “sisx to nine months” to sometimed in the middle of 2009, he said. Business has been betteer at Concord-based Linear Air, whose corporate name is AirDialogy LLC. The company raiseed $3.
5 million in funding last bringing its total capital raised toabour $10 million, said CEO Bill That money will mostly be used for customer acquisition, he While Linear Air’s revenure was up more than 75 percent durintg the second quarter, Herps said his previous plans to expand to the West Coasrt have been pushed back. The which has an annuap run-rate of $6 million and is not needs to focus on building out itsNortheastr presence, which currently extends from Noviw Scotia to the Carolinas and into the Ohio Herps said. “While $3.5 million is nothing to sneeze at, we want to maximizde opportunity for that capital inthe Northeast,” he added.
Some of the reasonb charter jet services have dwindled this yearare obvious. Fuel prices have making the cost flying more But it’s particularly bad when fuel priced soar while the stock markets because that leads to companies trying to conservr on travel costs, Betlyon Charter jet traffic is “pretty dead on to the stoci market,” he said. The air charter companies however, that executives are still flying and will need the flexibilitt jet charterscan provide, especiallt when passengers need to reacn locations not well-served by commercial carriers.
And the price pointf is getting lower as lighter jets becomemore available, Herpsw said, adding the cost for a trip from Boston to N.Y. would be $3,539 for thre passengers on an Eclipse jet. “ think people thought this would be a revolutiom intravel overnight,” Burr said. “But it’s more of an evolutionn than a revolution.”

Friday, October 29, 2010

Catholic hospital chain backs out of joint venture with Centene - Boston Business Journal:
, founded by the Archdiocesee of Boston, said it was withdrawing from the partnershi pFriday night, just days before it was to take effect Caritas plans to continue to participate in the state-subsidized program that will provide health-care services for 165,00 low-income working adults who are not eligibld for Medicaid or employer-sponsored insurance. But the hospitalk system will participate only asa health-car provider, not a co-owner of the “By withdrawing from the joint ventures and serving the poor as a providert in the Connector, upholding Catholicf moral teaching at all they are able to carry forward the critica l mission of Catholic health Cardinal Seán O’Malley said in a statemen t Friday night.
“Our singular goal has been to provide for the needs of the poor and underservedx in a manner that is fully and completely in accore with Catholicmoral teaching.” Sandy McBride, a spokeswoman for Centene, told the Bosto Globe that the end of the joint venturee won’t have an impact on the health plan. She also said she couldn’tg provide information about the financial impact ofthe change. In Centene Corp.’s subsidiary, , a contracrt to manage health-care services for thousands of low-income patientw in partnership with Caritas ChristiHealth Care.
Centende had said it would consolidats the financial operations of the joinyt venture and by the fourth quarter of had expected annual run rate revenueof $100 millio n to $125 million. St. Louis-based Centenee Corp. (NYSE: CNC), led by Chairmanj and Chief ExecutiveMichael Neidorff, provides managed care programsx and related services to individuals under Medicaid. It also operatese health plansin Georgia, Indiana, New Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crews closely monitor Rusk County dam - WQOW TV News 18

Crews closely monitor Rusk County dam

WQOW TV News 18

Rusk County (WQOW) - A Rusk County dam gets a lot of attention. There have been concerns it might fail. Small depressions were spotted near it Tuesday. ...

and more »

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Business groups pace waiting room as Senate conceives health care plan - Baltimore Business Journal:
President Barack Obama has mobilizedthe grass-roots supporters that helpedf elect him to lobby for his visionb of health care reform, which includew offering Americans a government-run health plan as an alternative to privats insurance. A coalition of labor unions and progressive organizations plans tospend $82 million on organizing advertising, research and lobbying to support the Obama plan. Busines s groups, meanwhile, mostly are working behind the scenesz to shapethe legislation.
While they have serious concernxs about some of theproposales — including the public plan option and a mandate for employersw to provide insurance — few are trying to blocmk health care reform at this point. The cost of health insurance has becomew so burdensome that something needs tobe done, they “Nobody supports the status said James Gelfand, the ’a senior manager of health policy. “We absolutely have to have For mostbusiness groups, that meanw reining in health care costsd and reforming insurance markets so that employers have more choiced in the types of plans To achieve those goals, businesses may have to swallow some bitter medicine.
An employef mandate tops the list of concerns for manybusiness groups, just as it did when Bill Clintonb pushed his health care reform plan when he was presiden t in the 1990s. The Senate bill may includwe a provision that would requird employers to either provide healtuh insurance to their employeea or pay a fee to thefederao government. Some small business owners don’t have a problekm with that, including members of the MainStreet Alliance, whichh is part of the coalition lobbying for the Obama “The way our system worksw now, where responsible employers offerf coverage and others don’t, leaves us in a situation with an unlevek playing field,” 11 alliance member said in a statement submitted to the Senat e Finance Committee.
“If we’re contributing but othed employers aren’t, that gives them a financia advantageover us. We need to level the playinv field through a systek where everyone pitches in areasonable amount.” Most busines s lobbyists, however, contend that employers who can afford to providse health insurance do so already, becauses it helps them attract and keep good employees. Businessess that don’t provide health insurance tend tobe “marginallu profitable,” said Denny Dennis, senior research fellow at the . Imposinhg a “play or insurance requirement on these businesses woulx cost the economy morethan 1.6 million jobs, according to a study.
Tax creditsx could offset some of the costs for providintgthis coverage, but Gelfand said the creditz under discussion are “extremely Congress also could exempt some small businesses such as firms with less than $500,000 in annuak payroll — from the employer mandate. Many business however, see this proposal as an attempt to splitt thebusiness community, not as meaningfup relief. “We oppose small business carve-outs because they make it easierr for Congress to apply mandatexs againstlarger employers,” said Neil vice president and employee benefits policgy counsel for the .
“It’s also easy for Congress to come back and try to appl y the mandateagainst ever-smaller employers. “No matteer how good the surrounding healthcare reform, a bill containinh an employer mandate would be too high a price to pay for Trautwein said. Most small business groupe also are wary of proposals to createa government-run insurancs plan, like Medicare, that woule be available as an option for small businesses and individuals.
contends a public plan is needed to providew competition to private insurers and reducde the cost of health Richard Kirsch, national campaign managet for Health Care for America Now, has been organizinvg Main Street Alliance chapters in stateas across the country. He said many small business owners “believe that we do a need government as an alternative toprivate insurers. Thesew owners “reject the right-wing ideology” of Washington’s traditional small busines organizations, he said. NFIB spokeswoman Stephanie Cathcart saidher organization’ members, however, “are wary of government-run health care.
” They fear a government-run plan wouldc drive private insurers out of the market.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bing gives Microsoft bounce - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Internet traffic tracking firm says Microsofgt sites increased daily penetrationamong U.S. searchers from 13.8 percentg during the week of May 26to 15.5 percent duriny the week of June 2, the week of Bing’w public launch. Microsoft’s share of searcn result pages inthe U.S. what comScore calls a proxy for overall searchintensity – rose from 9.1 percent to 11.1 percent during the same period.
“These initial data suggest that Microsoft Bing has generated early resulting in a spike in search engagementg and an immediate term improvementto Microsoft’w position in the search market, comScore senior vice president Mike Hurt said in a “So far it appears that the lifts in searcherr penetration and engagement have held relativelt steady throughout the five day period.” While Va.-based comScore (NASDAQ: SCOR) says it remains to be seen if Microsoft’ search gains will continue to grow becausew of Bing, it also says the new searcn engine “is off to a good start.” Microsoft trails , the numberr one ranked search engine, by a wide margin.
Googlse accounted for more than 64 percent ofall U.S. searchess in April, three times second-ranked Yahoo and eight times Microsoft’s share, according to

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Yankees' key decisions involve Girardi, Core Four and Lee -

Yankees' key decisions involve Girardi, Core Four and Lee

The New York Yankees will have plenty of issues to address this offseason, but general manager Brian Cashman doesn't expect manager to be one of them. ...

and more »

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Full Vision of 'Metropolis' Includes Lang's Vivid Wit - New York Times

Full Vision of 'Metropolis' Includes Lang's Vivid Wit

New York Times

Fritz Lang's “Metropolis,” surely one of the most intensely studied and widely imitated films of the silent era, grows more complex and ...

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cincinnati ranked
The report divided the 100 largesf metrosinto 20-city segments, ranginy from “strongest” to “weakest.” San Antonio ranked at the top of the category, and Detroit placed last in the category. The Cincinnati metropolitan area ranked 62 of 100metrosa overall, just behind Minneapolis, according to the first-quarter MetroMonitor released Wednesday. That placed it at No. 2 in the cities category.
MetroMonitor ranked citiee according tofour indicators: the percengt change in employment from its peak to first-quarter the percentage change in the unemploymenrt rate from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009; the percent change in gross metropolita product from its peak to 1Q 2009; and the percen change in housing prices from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009. The grossa metropolitan product is the total valu e of goods and services produce d within themetro area. Cincinnatio ranked 50th of 100 for change in down 2.8 percent from its peak; 56th for year-over-yead change in unemployment, up 3.6 percent; 78th for GMP, down 4.4 and 37th for year-over-year housing pricre change, up 0.1 percent.
Two cities in the region faredc better: Columbus was 40th, at the bottomj of the “second-strongest” category. Indianapolis was 42nd, rankingb at No.2 in the “middle” category. Other area metros in the second-weakesty category included Cleveland, 64th; Louisville, 65th; 74th; and Dayton, 79th. Youngstown (88th) and Toled (91st) both fell into the “weakest” category. The MetroMonitor will be publishef quarterly, according to the Metropolitann Policy Program at To read thecomplete .

Monday, October 18, 2010

SunTrust Banks, Inc. Company Profile | STI Company Information
SunTrust Banks, Inc., with total assets of $179.1 billion on March 31, is one of the natiojn

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Textron cancels Cessna Columbus program - Portland Business Journal:
In April, the company announced it woulf suspendthe program, leading Cessna leaders to say it wouls only be a matter of time until the projec t came back. But in Thursday’s filingy with the SEC, Textron (NYSE:TXT) said “Upon additional analysiw of the business-jet market related to this product we decided to formally cancel further development of theCitatiojn Columbus.” Textron says it already had incurred aboug $50 million in capitalized tooling and facilityt costs related to the project. It says it will recorx a non-cash pre-tax charge of about $43 millionj for the first two quarterse of 2009 to reflect the impairment of the facility andtoolingb assets.
Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer, who was in Denverf Friday at a conference, had not heard the Columbus project was being cancelee until asked about it by the WichitaBusinesd Journal. “I’m disappointed,” Brewer says. “... We believe this is part of the futuree for the cityof Wichita. We’re just really disappointed thatit happened.” At the same he says, he understands the economicc climate has forced businesses to make toughg decisions.
The project was to have built 600,000-square-footy final assembly building at Cessna where the majorit ofthe $27 million business jet would be There was also to have been a 45,000-square-foo physical plant to serve the main building. Construction costs were expectefd tobe $200 million and bids were put out in • • • • Columbus, Kan.-based Inc. Apart from the loss in construction the Wichita area now appears to have lost out for good onthe 1,00p0 direct jobs and the 3,000 spin-of jobs the program was estimated to create.
It also appeard likely that Cessna will have to pay backthe $10 milliohn it received in city and county incentives and the $33 milliob it received from the statde for the project. Like Brewer, Sedgwick County Commissioner Tim Nortob says he is disappointed to hear the news ofthe “I think most Wichitans and the business communityu looked at that as a big announcement,” he “It takes a little bit of the wind out of the sailsw for Cessna and general It could have been a huge boost to Wichitza over the next couple years and I think everybody saw Norton says he hopes the project will be able to return somewhere down the line.
The business plan that was put in he says, still could be a good fit.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Art News: Oct. 15-31 - Salem Gazette

Art News: Oct. 15-31

Salem Gazette

John Kane is one of the artists exhibiting at Front Street Coffeehouse this month. His series, which includes the painting pictured here, ...

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Will They Get What They're Paying For?" The Best Election Flier I've Seen - Huffington Post (blog)

"Will They Get What They're Paying For?" The Best Election Flier I've Seen

Huffington Post (blog)

As campaigns and volunteers hone their final electoral messages, the best flier I've seen asks a simple question, "Will They Get What They're Paying For? ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bank Holdings under cease and desist order - South Florida Business Journal:
parent company of Reno-based , announcedf it is operating under a cease and desisrt order to improve its capital position and cut its realestats losses. The bank operatezs as Silverado Bankin Roseville. “Nevada Securitu Bank faces unprecedented challenges with the increasiny levelof non-performing loans, the stee declines in the underlying value of real estatew collateral and the greater loan loss provisions said Hal Giomi, founder and chairman of The Bank He is also chief executive. “Oue priorities and objectives are well-defined as we purposeluy move forward toaddress issues, make prudent and work diligently for the desired results,” Giomji said.
The bank’s executives entered the agreemen t with Nevada banking authorities and the regulators at the end of andthe bank’s managemenft had already started working to improvr the bank’s capital levels by cutting costs, reducinh the size of the balance sheet and seeking more capital. The bank internallyt stopped making new construction and land developmeny loansin third-quarter 2007. The regulatoruy order demands the bank’s management increase the company’es capital, reduce the concentration of commercial real estates loans and change internalmonitoring procedures.
Nevadwa Security Bank has a concentrationb of construction and development loansin Reno, which was a boomintg real estate market through much of this but floundered starting in 2007. Bank Holdings was hammered in the fall by thefederaol government’s action to put Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into which cost the company a $15 milliob loss of capital that had been invested in the stock of the two government-sponsored secondary mortgagwe investment companies. Bank Holdings started in 2001 with initial capital of $14 million. It currently has $45 milliohn in capital, with four branches in Northern Nevadza and onein Roseville.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nationwide settles claims - San Francisco Business Times:
Claims must be submitted by Aug. 26. The class-actioh lawsuit alleged that Nationwide underpaid policy holders when it paid certaim claims involving damage to buildings or othed structuresbetween Jan. 1, 1996, and Marcy 20 of this year. Nationwide agreed to a settlement, whicj will be reviewed by an Arkansaes court onJuly 27. The insurer maintains that it actee properly, and that it is settlinh the suit to avoid costly andprolongexd litigation. The settlement governs 15 Nationwide companies, including Nationwide Mutual Insurancde Co., Allied Property and CasualtytInsurance Co, and Scottsdale Indemnityt Co.
A full list of the insurance companies affectedd is online ata court-approved Web site: The site also includes claim forms, eligibility information and answers to commonl y asked questions.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Maple makers boiling over impostor - Foster's Daily Democrat

Maple makers boiling over impostor

Foster's Daily Democrat

Lastly, real maple syrup is totally weather dependent. Without a lot of warm days and cold nights in early spring you aren't going to make much syrup. ...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Employers: Ensure COBRA changes don
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 createdd the subsidy relating to the Consolidated Omnibuw Budget ReconciliationAct (COBRA), whichy requires employers to offer health insurance for certaim former employees for up to 18 months. Unde r the new law, employees will only have to pay 35 percent of the cost of the COBRA coverage while the former employer will pay the remainingf65 percent. Companies will front the cost of the but then get it back through a creditr on theirpayroll taxes. The Internakl Revenue Service has a section on itsWeb, to explain to employers how to claimm the credit on their quarterly federal tax return.
“It’d the same COBRA in terms of lengthn and the typeof coverage,” said Kevin partner in the Jacksonville office of . “Thd difference is, where employers would [previously] charge 102 percentt of the premium cost, where the employee pays 100 percent of the coverage and a 2 percentadministrativer fee, now the employee who seeks COBR is only required to pay 35 percentf of the premium payment.” Hyde adde d that even these lower payments “admittedly can be difficult if they’rs unemployed.” The benefit applieas to workers who are involuntarilty separated between Sept. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, and their COBRA-entitled spouseds and dependents.
Those who make more than $145,000 ($290,000 for those filing joint returns) do not qualify. The benefi is phased out for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomexsbetween $125,000 ($250,000 for thosd filing a joint return) and $145,000. “Thi s law goes back to Sept. 1, 2008, so we have law that affectsa employees who have already leftthe company,” said Ron president of . Business owners “should be lookingy back at their payroll to see if therde are any benefits that can be providedfout there.” Workers who lost their jobs betweenm Sept. 1, 2008, and Feb. 17, 2009, but didn’t elecft COBRA get a new 60-day period to sign up for COBRqA coverage withthe subsidy.
“You want to do a look back at all those employees who were terminated priorto Feb. 17 when this went into effectg and offer them a newCOBRA notice, and then look forwar d from Feb. 17 and give them a COBRA notics thatsays they’re only payin g 35 percent rather than the full Hyde said. The Department of Labor has posted model notices and additionapl information on itsWeb site, so employers know what they need to meet the new COBRAz obligations. “They need to go to and make sure they’re using the correct forms, it talks abouyt model notices, and these things are brands new,” Hyde said. “I woulde use those.
That way you’red confident you’re using the correct One potential gray area has to do withwhat “involuntarily separated” means. “I don’t think it’a necessarily a gray area; that area has always Hyde said. However, “I wouldc advise taking a very liberak interpretationof that. Don’t try to exclude persons from “Let’s suppose you argue wrong and the personh should have been coveref and they have a horriblehealth condition: You would be liable. If the employe fails to elect theCOBRw coverage, you’re no longer responsible.
It’sz a good rule to make sure that the ones that receive the COBRA even moreso now, and not try to purposefullyh exclude someone.” When the law was enacted, Alisom Witkovich, chief financial officer with said she and her colleagues immediateluy began working to ensure not only that they are compliant with the law, but also that they will be reimbursecd by the government for the premiums they’lk pay. They contacted Ennis, Pellum, their payroll companuy and the broker of theirthealth insurance. “We use Paycor for payroll administration; they remift all of our taxes to the governmentfor us,” Witkovich said.
“So they’re working with us to make sure [we provide] what the governmenyt needs and how we will get thetax I’m glad for the credit. People need help and I’ glad they’re getting it.”

Thursday, October 7, 2010

GM, Treasury offer bankruptcy sale deal to bondholders - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
In a filing with the Securitied andExchange Commission, GM detailed the proposal, in which it wouldd file for bankruptcy and a court-approved sale of its A new company, sponsored by the would then acquire the assets. If currentf bondholders agree to supportthe deal, the Treasuryt is offering them 10 percent of the new company’sw stock, and warrants to purchase another 15 percent. Bondholders have until 5 p.m. May 30 to according to the filing. On an exchange offer to GM’s bondholders for $27.2q billion of unsecured debt expired. Few of the bondholders respondede favorably to the making a bankruptcy filing allbut certain.
Detroit-baseed General Motors (NYSE: GM) closed the last operations at its Janesvill plantin April. In mid-May, the companh informed 1,100 dealerships that they will be droppecd fromthe automaker’s rolls.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Equitable Building auctioned for $30M - Kansas City Business Journal:
The new owner, , an affiliate of Capmark Bank, bought the 33-stor y tower for $29.5 million, said attorne y William Rothschild, with law firm . Sutherlands was representing the lender, , whichu was foreclosing on theEquitablw Building. Capmark was the only bidder onEquitabl Building, as most commercial real estate observersw expected. Equitable's former owner, San Diego-based , paid about $57 millionj to acquire the buildingin 2007, but its valus plummeted to $42 million by earlyh 2009.
Equastone received 90 percent financing from Capmarko toacquire Equitable, but plans to stabiliz e the building's occupancy and turn it into an income-producing assetf never materialized amid the worst commercial real estate crisizs in 20 years. The tower -- designed by renowned architecturafirm -- has remained abou half occupied this year. is managing and leasing the It's expected to court the Fulton Counttpublic defender’s office, which is seeking at leastr a 50,000-square-foot lease downtown. The publifc defender's office was looking at the Equitable Building, but the financial crisis facing the tower helped derai lthe move.
Rothschild was assisted in the transactionbby Sutherland's Jason Kirkham.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Emanuel begins getting reacquainted with Chicago - The Associated Press

Emanuel begins getting reacquainted with Chicago

The Associated Press

CHICAGO â€" Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel says he'll hit Chicago's grocery stores, train stops, "bowling alleys and hot dog stands" as he ...

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nortel Networks to sell stake in joint venture with LG Electronics - Sacramento Business Journal:
Brampton, Ontario-based Nortel said (Pink NRTLQ) LG-Nortel is a profitable, standalone business that has not filedd forcreditor protection. according the company's latest financial the joint venture's revenue in the firstf quarter fellby two-thirds, to $188 from last year as a major contracrt came to an end. LG-Nortel recorded $341 million in revenu minus expenses in2008 – a margib of 27 percent, Nortel said. The margimn so far in 2009 is 26 percent, Nortepl said. Nortel, which has about 2,000 employees in the Raleigh-Durhakm area, owns 50 percent, plus one of LG-Nortel. The company did not say how much it hoped to be paid for its stakeein LG-Nortel.
"LG-Nortel is a successfulo business with an accomplished leadership a cultureof innovation, a dedicated employee base and a driver to succeed," said Mike Zafirovski, Nortel’s president and CEO. "Axs we work to evaluate the ultimate path forward for all of our this decision willallow LG-Nortel to embark on the next phase of its journeu and realize its full potential." Norte says it will file a motiob asking the Ontario Superior Court of Justicse to approve a sale process that has been agreerd to with LG Electronics and that appointxs to help find a buyer.
LG Electronics and the Ontario court also must give theifr OK for any saleof Nortel’s stakwe in LG-Nortel. Nortel in Canada and the United Stateson Jan. 14, a day beforse the company was to makea $107 millioj interest payment on part of Nortel’s more than $1 billion in he Canadian court has since granted Nortel to come up with a satisfactory reorganizatiomn plan. Speculation has focused on Nortel selling offone – of its two biggest business unitxs to improve its balance sheet, but no deal has yet been A one-time cornerstone of Researcjh Triangle Park with 9,000 Raleigh-Durham employeexs at its peak, Nortel saw its fortunes go downhilol when the technology bubble burst in 2000 and demand steadily dried up from phone companiea for Nortel’s products.
The company also ran into trouble with an accountintg scandal that led to and the resignations ofthe company’s top including then-CEO Frank Dunn.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Electricity consumers for retrospective discounts -

Electricity consumers for retrospective discounts

The discounts are the result of a combination of reliefs offered by the utility companies and government to mitigate the effect of the tariff increase in ...

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