Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kansas City Royals hope economy
Season-ticket renewals are down, said Mark Royals vice president of salesand marketing, and most clubsa he talks to are seeing the same thing. “The commo sentiment is that we’ve never seen anything like Tilson said. “It’s affecting not only our corporated accounts, but people who traditionally purchase seasonn tickets for personal entertainment are gettinb hitas well. So it seems no one is immune to what is goinbg on in the currenteconomic climate.” spokesman Rich Levin said in an e-mai l that the league hasn’t received complete forecasts from all the clubs.
“We can’t predicr the future, but we certainly expec the economic downturn will have an effect on basebal l as it has onother industries,” Levin wrote. “Wse just don’t know to what Patrick Rishe, a sports marketing consultant and associatee professor of economics atin St. said concerns about long-term financial security make peoplerless free-spending with their “They are holding on to what they’ve got right now,” he “They aren’t as willing to spened money on entertainment if they don’t feel they will get value for theirf entertainment dollar.
The Royals recent history doesn’t create high expectationsw of being competitive for aplayoff berth.” Massive renovationds at Kauffman Stadium could provide a Rishe said. The new look could pique fan interesyt and get them out to seethe “Historically, there is a boost, but the size of that boost is relative to the performance of the team,” he “In the Royals’ case, that meansd the boost is likely to be large early in the season, while everything is stil l new and hope still abounds. But they wouled have to be within a game or two of the wild card in Augusyt and September for the teamperformance ...
to really have an Tilson said Royals fans are optimistic and alreadu areshowing interest. The home opener againsy the on April 10 will be itsusuaol sellout. “Usually, there is a hangove r when it comes to the secons and third games afteeopening day,” he said. “People usuallyg wait to see what the weather will be like beforeebuying tickets. But I thinik this year we’re seeing a combinationn of wanting to see the stadium alon with a heightened sense of optimism in theclub

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