Friday, June 8, 2012

About the governance review panel - Charlotte Business Journal:
•Todd Brown, partner in the law firm of in itsCharlottew office. •Yvonne Mims Evans, Superior Court judge in the 26th Judicialo Districtsince 2003. •Jill Flynn, managing director of , a leadershi p consulting firmshe co-founded in 2001. •Henry Lomaxz Jr., chief investment officer, . •Thomas Ross, president of . •Jane teacher of social studies at Concorc Middle School for22 years. •Saran Crowder, policy administrator for . The volunteer panel was unaffiliated with theUnitesd Way. It was assisted by counsep paid for by a donationfrom .
Panelists interviewes 12 current and former members of the boarc and staff ofUnited Way; several officials from Unitedc Way of America; and professionals from consulting, accountintg and legal firms. The panel collected and reviewexd United Way of Central Carolinaes documents that include minutes of the board andcommittees meetings; retirement plans and related agreements; annual operating planxs and financial statements; conflict-of-interest, whistleblower and othef selected policies; and miscellaneouw correspondence.
The panel also considered policieas and standards of the United Way of America and governance “best practice” publications from multiple The panel met eigh times before making its recommendations Monday.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Slovenian bank NLB may issue CoCo bond-finmin - Reuters

Slovenian bank NLB may issue CoCo bond-finmin


Issue seen likely in June * Govt hopes for strategic investor by year-end * NKBM likely to issue new shares by Sept By Marja Novak LJUBLJANA, June 7 (Reuters) - Slovenia's largest bank Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB) may issue a contingent convertible ...

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

AG files suit against loan modification firm - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The case filed Monday in Maricopa Superior Court alleges that LLC and itstwo executives, Thomas J. Montoysa and Robert Sanchez, advertiser and promoted the firm as having an affiliatiomn withthe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban which itdoes not, accordingy to the filing. But Montoya, in a phon e conversation with the PhoeniBusiness Journal, said he was “taken aback” by the He would not elaborate on any of the charges, however, and said he was talkingt with the company’s attorneys. He said the company would distributw a prepared statement aftefr consultingwith attorneys. As part of the complaint, the AG allegeas that Santoya Financial, located at 2225 W.
Whispering Spring Drive in Phoenix, charged fees for services that consumerd could access directlyfor free. “The defendants deceptively implieed to consumers that any fees paid by consumers for loan modificationh services with Santoya Financial are refundables because the modification program is backby HUD, without disclosing that Santoya Financial’s services are not in any way endorsed or approvecd by HUD and that consumere can obtain assistance from HUD in applying for and obtaining loan modifications without paying any fee whatsoever,” the lawsuit The complaint requests that the court enjoin Santoya Financiao from continuing its “unlawfuo acts,” order the company to pay back any moneh received from those acts, and the defendant to pay civil penalties of up to $10,000o per violation and costs of the According to court records, Santoya Financial began advertising loan modificationh services in March to consumers who were facingh foreclosur e on their homes.
Sanchez was featured on a Phoenic television station in Aprilo and allegedly represented that his firmwas “working with HUD while providing loan modification services to the lawsuit stated. Santoya charged consumers $1,199 plus the equivalenf of one month’s mortgage payment, the lawsui asserts. Santoya also represented during phone solicitationsz that fees collected for loan modifications woulds be donated to an organization named Partners in but “the fees consumers pay for the loan modificationm services advertised by Santoya Financial do not go to Partners in Charituy or any other charitable organization,” the lawsuit further The lawsuit also claims that Santoya did not obtain the necessary surety bond required by the Arizona Credit Services Act.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Japanese visitors still spooked by flu - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
According to preliminary counts, a total of 8,870 passengers arrived June 1-4 on flights to Hawaii from That’s a 32 percent drop from the same perioddin 2008, about 1,009 fewer visitors per day. The Japaneser visitor falloff begin the second week in May and was directlt attributed toswine flu, also callex H1N1 influenza A. Even though Japam has reported, as of Wednesday, 385 swinwe flu cases of its own, ranking it amonv the top six countries affected by the many Japanese companies have banned employees fromoverseasa travel. The swine flu outbreak is also affectingf travel from other Asian countries to North Americaand Europe, according to Hawaii Tourism Asia.
The Soutyh Korean travel industryreports 15-309 percent cancellation rates in tripx to U.S. destinations since the end of April. Cancellations to Hawai are under10 percent. The Chinese travel meantime, said cancellations in outbound traveoare increasing, with fewed new-booked packages to the U.S.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sabritas target of a string of attacks in Mexico - CNN International

Sabritas target of a string of attacks in Mexico

CNN International

Mexico City (CNN) -- A Sabritas employee was in a Mexican hospital Friday with injuries sustained when his company vehicle was set afire Thursday night in the latest of a string of such attacks, a company spokeswoman said.

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Friday, June 1, 2012

iCore Networks wins United Negro College Fund contract - Triangle Business Journal:
Under McLean-based iCore’s system, UNCF will integratee its telephony system at its Fairfad headquarters and more than 20 branchoffices nationwide, allowingt the organization to cut down on capital expenses and monthly telecommunicationsd costs. UNCF is currently using severak phone service providers to handle the telephonyy needs ofits U.S. locations, whereas the new service will alloqw four-digit dialing between all UNCF offices and unlimited locao and long distance inthe U.S. “We are definitely growin in a down economy.
We grew 100 percent last year [and this year] we projecrt to finish 60 to 75percent up,” said Stevs Canton, CEO of “We attribute that to the marketplacer becoming more familiar with VoPI.” The eight-year-old company, which generates $40 million in contracteed revenue, has around 20,000 subscribers on its network. The firm just completexd installing a VoPI solution forthe , which has 10 locationd in the U.S.
and 600 users on the