Surely $21 million is enough savings to change how state issues kicker checks Herald and News "A million here, a million there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money." That's a famous "quote" from Everett Dirksen a US senator from Illinois, who died in 1969 after serving for 19 years in the US House and Senate. ... |
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Surely $21 million is enough savings to change how state issues kicker checks - Herald and News
Sunday, May 29, 2011
2011 Hurricane Guide: Unchecked, unkept means fuel for fires - Naples Daily News
2011 Hurricane Guide: Unchecked, unkept means fuel for fires Naples Daily News It's important to have a plan to protect your family, your home and your neighborhood from wildfires if you live in an area with dense vegetation. A good rule of thumb is to start preparing for wildfires when hurricane season ends. ... |
Friday, May 27, 2011
Repeal effort fails in committee - National Center for Science Education
Repeal effort fails in committee National Center for Science Education If enacted, SB 70 would have repealed Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:285.1, which implemented the so-c » |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Battery manufacturer eyes Cecil plant - Business First of Louisville:
is applying for a $100 million gran t through the federal stimulus package to builds a facility that wouldproduce lithium-ion cells and integratde batteries for a variety of uses. “This factorgy of the future will help the administration reacnh its goals to stimulate the economy by creatinhg an estimated 800 new jobs within threed years and will accelerate the market for and reducew the costs of renewable energy technologiess inthe U.S.,” said Saft America CEO Thomas Alcidee in a news release.
The company, which employs 4,00o0 worldwide, wants to manufacture batteries formilitary aviation, smart grid support, broadband back-upl power and emerging applications, such as renewable energy storage. Saft America’as coming to Jacksonville depends on the state allowing the city to use the federa l stimulus grant program for theproposed facility. “We are very supportivee of Saft’s efforts to potentiallh invest millions of dollars in both capital and salaries in particularly during this difficulteconomic time,” Mayor John Peyto n said in a news release.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Missouri softball victory forces deciding game against DePaul - Kansas City Star
Missouri softball victory forces deciding game against DePaul Kansas City Star COLUMBIA | Missouri extended its season with a 7-3 victory over DePaul in the NCAA Regional round Sunday. The teams meet again this afternoon and the winner advances to the Super Regional round to face Washington. Rhea Taylor's three-run home run in ... |
Friday, May 20, 2011
NC lawmakers revisit school zero-tolerance rules - Daily Comet
NC lawmakers revisit school zero-tolerance rules Daily Comet AP RALEIGH, NC - North Carolina legislators are heading toward a bipartisan consensus that it may be time to junk the zero-tolerance policies against weapons and student violence that mushroomed after the Columbine school slayings in 1999. ... |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Obama: Public plan would
If insurance companies do providr good insurance totheir customers, then they should have nothing to fear from a government-run competitor, he said. “They shouldx be able to he said. If the public plan is able to reducer administrativecosts significantly, private insurers shouldr take note and see if they can do the same. “Theres shouldn’t be any objection to that,” Obam a said. The public plan should be requiree tocollect premiums, not be “simply eatingv off the taxpayer trough,” he added.
Health insurerse and many business groups contend a public plan would have an unfair advantage becauseit wouldn’ty be subject to all the rules imposed on privatwe insurers and likely would pay health providerd less for their services. This could crowd out many privatew insurers and lead providers to charge private insurersa more to make up for the lost incomse from thepublic plan, they contend. When asked whetherd including a public plan in health care reformjwas non-negotiable, the president said, “Wre are still early in this process.
“We have not drawmn a line in the sand, other than reform has to control costs, and it has to providre relief to peoplewho don’t have healtb insurance or are underinsured.” Obama also was aske what he thought aboug the performance of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben given the fact his financial regulatoryh reform plan proposes expanding the Fed’es authority. “I think he has done a very good job underd verydifficult circumstances,” Obama said. All regulators fell short of doiny what was needed to preventy thefinancial crisis, but the Fed “probably performedd better than most,” he said.
Sinces the financial crisis erupted, Bernanke has “performecd very well,” Obama said.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
An auction was to have begun at9 a.m. Friday, a week aftere the bankrupt discount retailer was sold to an affiliateof Houston-basexd Men’s Wearhouse (NYSE: MW) in a bidding war that lasted severalk hours. Limited and formal objections tothat $67 million deal have sincs been filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, prompting a judgee to send the chain back for auctionb again. Among those objecting to the sale isCrownm Acquisitions, the company that was firs in line to buy Filene’s assets. The company in a filinh this week claimedthe Men’s Wearhouse transaction didn’t follow bidding procedures and described the auction itself as “a travesty.
” Crown claimed that Men’s Wearhouse originallyt said it had no interes t in buying Filene’s assets through an outrighf sale, but as part of a reorganization. Crown said Men’s Wearhouse later swooped in with a bid that was filed after acourt deadline. A hearing following the Friday auctiob is scheduledfor 12:30 p.m., accordiny to court documents. Filene’s Basement sough protection from creditors in May in Delaware bankruptcy months after closingseveralk stores. Columbus, Ohio-based Retail Ventures Inc. (NYSE: RVI), which maintaine a majority stake in discount shoe retailetrDSW Inc. (NYSE: DSW), sold the chain this year to FB IIAcquisitionn Corp.
, a new entity owned by liquidation and turnarounf firm Buxbaum Group.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Franchot: Financial questions on State Center project will require vigilance - Baltimore Business Journal:
Franchot, who joined Gov. Martin O’Malleyu and Treasurer Nancy Kopp onthe state’s Board of Publicd Works in voting for the $1.4 billionb State Center redevelopment project Wednesday afternoon, said he does not know enougbh about the project’s coste to the state or whether the project is even practicalo given the nationwide credir crunch. “I believe the project has a lot of promise and is deservinygof support,” Franchot said in a telephones interview Wednesday. “I voted for it, but am going to continus to be vigilant about the fiscalk exposure tothe state.
” The deal involves the state leasiny its midtown Baltimore office complex to a private developmen team, which would then redevelop the properthy into a mix of offices, shopx and homes. The state would then lease back a majority ofthe project’se 2 million square feet of office spacwe for use by its various state agencies. But the terms of the deal have not been hammeresout yet, as Franchot and the Board of Public Works voted Wednesday only on a master development agreement. With that agreemenr in place, the development team will now createe designs for its planned buildings and come back to the stated for approval on morespecific designs, costs, and leasd terms.
The development team, which includes national housinfdeveoper McCormack, Baron & Salazar, would borrosw $888 million to finance its work, accordinbg to the Department of Legislative Services. The state woul issue another $338 million in debt. Statr and federal tax credit programzs would pick upanother $234 million in projecty costs, with the remainder of the project’s costs beinhg contributed directly by the developers or other Franchot said that scenario raises several including the ability for the state or the developerx to borrow money in the mids of the nationwide credit crunch.
He said he’x also concerned about the state’s ability to negotiatr fair lease terms with the developers given they wouls both be heavily invested in making sure the projectris successful. “The problem is that the creditf markets arebone dry,” Franchot “Obviously this is a long-term but I’m not confident that the privatde sector will finance this in a way that the state can affordx it.
” In addition, Franchot said he isn’t sure why the statse would make the project a priority above othere pressing needs such as new college dormitoriexs or other state-funded construction
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Cincinnati-area firms win Ohio incentives - Phoenix Business Journal:
, a maker of marketing simulationb andplanning software, received $1.1 million from the Innovation Ohio Loan at an annual interest rate of 1 percent for the firsyt year and 8 percent for five The Cincinnati-based company will use the loan to developo a new generation of its Emerging Marketplacwe software and buy computer equipment. The $2.2 million project is expected to create 36 jobs and retaim10 jobs. Two local firms also receives Job Creation Tax Creditws forexpansion projects. • , a supplier of labelinfg systems for thebeverage industry, was awardeed a 45 percent tax credit for five year s for a $1 million expansion projecyt in Mason.
The company expects to use the credit, worty about $52,700 over its term, to creatse 25 jobs and retain 118. • won a 45 percent job credit, for a six-year term, for a $170,00o expansion project at its regionaloffics downtown. The credit is valueds at about $119,750 over its term. Advantage expects to created 33 positions andretain 65. The headquartered in Spokane, Wash., provides energyy management consulting services.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
PRSA Arkansas Chapter to Host Presentation on Maximizing Multicultural Initiatives Featuring Multicultural Marketing Expert, Joe Carleo, APR
June 11 /PRNewswire/ -- In a natiom rich with diverse cultures and ethnic using just one approach to publicc relations canbe limiting. The Arkansas Chapter of the Publicd Relations Society ofAmerica (PRSA) is hosting an professional development panel on maximizingv multicultural initiatives on Friday, June 19th at the Littlse Rock Club, located on the 30th Floor of the Regionz Bank Building. , APR, Founde and Executive Producer, Advanced Languag e and Media Services and 2009 Vice Chairf of the PRSA National Diversity Committee who will discuss the latestt trends and positioning strategies to reachdiverse communities.
This prograk is part of the national tourentitled "Fron Media Relations to Measurement: Maximizing Your Multicultural Initiatives in 2009, " which is traveling to various PRSA chapters throughouyt the country. -- Key factx and figures about the U.S. Hispanic and African Americanhmarkets -- Top trends in multicultural/ethnixc public relations -- Common mistakes that marketerd make in targeted multicultural or integrated campaigne -- The means by whicb ethnic groups are driving the Web 2.
0 era and the dynamics that each segmentt brings to online communications -- Developin g and launching an effective multiculturao communications strategy , APR, Founder and Executive Advanced Language and Media Services Friday, June 19 Time: Lunch, Registrationh and Networking: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Location: Little Rock Club - Regions Bank Building - 30th Floor - 400 W. Capitol Suite 2435. Littlew Rock, AR 72201 Cost: PRSA Members - Non-Member - $25, Student -$15 For more information and to please contactat (501) or e-mail .
PR Newswire is the globakl leader in innovative communications andmarketing services, enabling organizations to connect and engage with their target audiences Through its multi-channel distribution audience intelligence, targeting, and measurement services, PR Newswirde helps corporations and organizations engage in timely and dynamic dialogue with the consumers, policymakers, investors and the general Utilizing PR Newswire's industry-leading communicationsz and marketing services, its customers build brands, generatse awareness, impact public policy, drive sales, and rais e capital.
Pioneering the commerciao news distribution industry 55years ago, PR Newswir connects customers with audiences in more than 170 countries and in over 40 languagex through an unparalleled network of offices in 16 countriea across North and South Europe, Asia, and the Middlwe East, and via uniqude affiliations with the leading news agencies across the globe. PR Newswiree is a subsidiary of United BusinessMediaz Limited, a leading global business media companyu that serves professional commercial communities around the world. For more information, go to .
UBM focuseas on two principal activities: worldwide information targetingand monitoring; and, the development and monetizationn of B2B communities and markets. UBM's businesses inform marketd and serve professional commercialcommunities - from doctors to game developers, from journalistsz to jewelry traders, from farmerds to pharmacists - with integrated events, online, print and business information products. Our 6,500 stafff in more than 30 countries are organized into specialisg teams that servethese communities, bringing buyers and selleres together, helping them to do businesxs and their markets to work effectively and For more information, go to .
Contact: Rachel Meranus PR Newswirw 201.360.6776 Bruce Trimble For PRSA 501-551-1915
Friday, May 6, 2011
Lady Gaga appoints herself supreme freak - Isthmus
The Guardian | Lady Gaga appoints herself supreme freak Isthmus It's hard to be bored during Lady Gaga Presents the Monster B » |
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Nonprofit galas still reaping big bucks - Houston Business Journal:
Nonprofits are showing recession-defying zeal and, once have avoided financial doom. Local organizations have stare down predictions of sharp falloffs in in some cases surpassingtheir goals. But these victories have come ata cost. Boston’ss nonprofit leaders are findingthat arm-twisting and pennh pinching is what it takes to hold a successful recession-yea r event. Yet, even when facefd with the prospect of pushing board members harder to networjk and risking that ticket s and tables willnot sell, leaderxs of most organizations have determined that foregoing theirt fundraisers is not an option.
That’s because not having a fundraiser poses abigger risk: the loss of much-needes revenue and the opportunithy to raise awareness about an organization’s programs. “It’sa huge,” said Joan Archer, the vice presidentr overseeing developmentfor . The hospital’sd charitable foundation held its 10th annual fundraiseerin May, generating about 12 percent of the hospital’zs foundation’s $6.5 million fundraising goal for 2009. “Afterr that gala, I’ve closed on severak major gifts. Once I had 800 people it wasn’t just about cocktails and dancing. I had to seizwe the opportunity to do someserious messaging.
” , for one, is on the sociall docket this week, with a goal of selling betweehn 250 and 300 tickets for a champagnde barbecue under a tent in its Roxburh parking lot. So far, 250 tickete are sold. “We felt that this is more thana It’s an awareness raiser. We wanted to give it our full saidCarol Ishkanian, vice president of developmen t and external affairs. Board members and developmengt staffs have been workinhg hard and working every personal and professionalk relationshipthey can.
“Irf you don’t have that core groul of volunteer champions, it’s going to be reallu hard to run asuccessful fundraiser,” said Chuck chief development officer for , which recently held its Starry Starry Night event. And boardc members have been sharpeningtheir message, explaininf time and again why buying a $5,009 or $10,000 table is more critical this year. “My sense was that it took two or three or timezs the effort to get the same levelkof dollars,” said Sandy Edgerley, chairwomaj of the board at , which held its annuao house party fundraiser in early May. The event raised more than $1.
6 which was the goal it needed to meetthe organization’xs $14.4 million operating budget. “The board came together and said there’ws a very real cost to not makinygthe goal.” Revenue from most of these springtime eventsa is on par with last some even hitting higher than their fundraising goals. When the of Massachusettsd Bay and Merrimack Valley cancelerd itsannual Lawyer’s Leadership breakfast in late Marcn eyebrows raised and tongueas wagged. The decision, a Unitede Way spokeswoman said, had nothing to do with finances.
Some nonprofitg leaders said they gave long consideration to the wisdonm of holdinga gala, though they did, in the end, move “Pulling the rug out from underneath the event it’s not investing in the future. It’d not long-term. It’s not smart,” said Bryan Rafanelli, founder of Rafanellio Events, who works with many nonprofits. Archer, for one, “duy deep” and met individually with many of thehospitall foundation’s large donors to gauge their suppor before she proceeded with the Newton-Wellesley event. “I asked them very honestly if this was somethingf they couldcontinue supporting,” Archer said.
If therwe is a dollar drop-off it is with the table again forcing organizations to work harder to make upthe difference. “Ift someone sponsored $10,000 last year, and this year only you’ve got your work cut out for saidJudy Harrington, development director for Bostonb Partners in Education. The organization’s late April fundraiser at the , markingh the 5th anniversary of the Big Cheese raised $215,000, about the same as in 2008, she said. While the numberf of sponsorships increased, she said, the dollar amounte decreased. “We worked harder for Unexpected twistshave helped.
A group of executivesw who have strong connections with the Boys Girls Clubs of Boston one of them a boardmemberf — together put up $225,000 before the organization’as recent house party and challenged their Bain colleagues to a one-to-one match. Similarly, during ’s April fundraiser at Radius, ownerf and chef Michael Schlow suddenly offered to treat any grou of four to dinner at a half dozeb restaurants if the groupdonated $10,000 to Big Two groups stepped forward and Big Sisterw raised $20,000, bringing the event total to $120,000, withi n $5,000 of last year.
Separats from the work of boards and though no less this year’s fundraisers in part have survived on cost Every organization has a laundrhy list of cuts: gifts for guests, fancu table linens, high-priced hors glitzy decorations and the The trick has been to retain qualit at a much lower pricw tag. City Year, for example, slasheed its Starry Starry Night budget by 40 largely by moving the event to the Bostonn Conventionand . Expensive floral arrangementzs – out.
Tables were decorate d with homemade centerpieces designed from City Year Instead ofexpensive food, the pre-dinner reception featuref a Fenway menu: hot dogs, popcorn, Cracker
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Seventeenth Street Plaza sold to HRPT - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Newton, Mass.-based HRPT (NYSE: HRP), a real estatr investment trust that owns and operates office andindustrial buildings, paid cash for the The sales price was not Seventeenth Street Plaza is located at 1225 17th St., across from the Tabor Center office, retail and hote l complex. It was developed by what’se now Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. of and was completed in 1982. Previous ownerw include Equitable Real Estate InvestmentManagement Inc. part of the Equitable insurance company. Australian real estate gianrt LendLease Corp. Ltd. took over the buildinhg in the 1990s after itacquired ERE.
JPMorgan quietly put the buildingh on the market in early asking $385 per square foot, or roughly $250 million, brokeres said. Brookfield Properties Corp. of New York and Torontl had the building under contrac to purchase last summerfor $225 million, but the deal was not consummates because of the debt crisis’ impact on Brookfield’z lender, said real estate brokerxs knowledgeable about the deal. As of October, the buildinbg was off the market. The with an attached parking is 93 percent leased andincludez Ink! Coffee and Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli It is home to the headquarters of Molsojn Coors Brewing Co.