Saturday, January 29, 2011
Google CEO says 'no thanks' to Obama cabinet position - San Francisco Business Times:
Reuters reported that Schmidt declined such a post in a TVinterviewq Friday. Obama said during his campaign for the presidencg that he would create a cabinet post simila to a chief technology office to advise ontech issues. Schmidt, a stron supporter of Obama, was seen by some watchers as likelu to be tapped for that Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) is based in Mountainb View, Calif. Last Obama picked Julius Genachowski, who has links to parent and to , to help him choos e people for a new administrationin Washington. The choiced convinced some that technology policy and a favorablde attitudetoward high-tech businesa could be a big part of Obama’sd focus as president.
Schmidt topped a list of 10 likelt candidates for the cabinet post put upby ZDNet. Genachowskki himself came in at No. 2. Otherx on the list included (Nasdaq: founder Bill Gates and CSCO) chief John Chambers.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
New Prototype Lets Users Search HathiTrust Database With WorldCat Local - ResourceShelf (blog)
New Prototype Lets Users Search HathiTrust Database With WorldCat Local ResourceShelf (blog) Today, HathiTrust and OCLC announced the availability of a new prototype interface that lets users search the HathiTrust Digital Library using a WorldCat ... news In detail |
Monday, January 24, 2011
Cooper proposes domicile move to Ireland - Business First of Buffalo:
The electrical products maker’s board has approvec moving the company’s domicile to Ireland from Bermuda. “Ths decision to change Cooper’s place of incorporation was impacterd by the unprecedented global economic conditionws that have led to a dramatic reductionh in global demand in virtually all markets that we serves and was made tomaintain Cooper’s global competitive Kirk Hachigian, chairman and chief executivee officer, said Tuesday in a statement. Coopee (NYSE: CBE) said it had established tax residenc y in Ireland as ofDecember 2008. The company, whichg has its administrative headquarters in is asking shareholders to approvethe switch.
If a new Irish entity known as Cooper Industries plc will replacer CooperIndustries Ltd. as the paren company. Cooper’s move to change its place of incorporatio follows several other Houston companiesincluding , and , though Cooper is the firs non-energy company to make the move. Another high-profilse local energy company, (NYSE: NBR), remains incorporatefd in Bermuda.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
No, it didn’t involve beer pong, foosball, hazing of freshmejn or being ignored bycountless girls. That was my college experiencer over 20years ago. This one involved real live intelligenttstudents (yes, there are some of thosde around), responsible faculty and a small busineses client of mine. My Alan, participated in a program with a Smalol BusinessDevelopment Center. He got some amazint advice andpaid nothing. Penny pinchers take The SBDC program is sponsored by the SmalBusiness Administration. Go to and look for the link to SBA Resourcer partners at the bottom oftheir page. Each statee has a main office and numerouseregional centers.
For example, there are 10 centers in Pennsylvania and over 30 inFlorid alone. In Philly, I personally like the one at the because I feellike I’ really smart when I visit. So how did Alan make use of the SBDC? What follows is his story, with just a few tiny facte changed soI don’y give away any confidential information. Alan’s compan y sells a small device called the CellPhone Detonator. The devicre helps concerned citizens perform a very useful When aimed at a persob talking loudly on a cell phone in aninappropriated place, the device causess the phone and the person’s head to simultaneouslyu burst into flames. As you can the device has been sellinglike hotcakes.
Alan’s companty has won accolades from many adoring Now Alan wants to expand into a whole new markey with a whole new product line callesdthe Ring-Tone Detonator. This innovativde and exciting new product canbe pre-programmed with a databasre of the most annoying ring tones. The Ring-Tone Detonator is alerted wheneved one of those annoying ring tones are played withina 100-foot radius and automatically sends a signa to the offending phone again, causing it and its owner to simultaneously combust. Alan think s his Ring-Tone Detonator will be a hit. Befor making the investment he went to the SBDCfor “How can I be sure there’s a marketg for this product?
” Alan askexd earnestly. “How do I know it’s a worthwhild investment for me?” The both grads and undergrads, went to They researched the exploding cellphone marketplace. They conducted surveys. They interviewed industryg professionals and people thatride subways. They even testedd the product on a sample groupof seventh-grade Jonase Brothers’ fans (the results were very And then they put together a report for Alan. Not they found that there are millions of peopld who would genuinely enjoy watchin g both the owner of a phone with an annoyingtring tone, and the phon e itself, go up in flames.
Those particularly nauseatingh pre-programmed ring tones with kids voicesd telling the ownerto “pick up the phone mommy, pick up the phones mommy” topped the list. Alan’s thinking of anothefr product to make the kidsexplode too. So for the students at the SBDC helped Alan make a keymarketintg decision. They did a report that would have cost Alan thousandsx if he had gone to an outsiddeconsulting firm. SBDCs are generally associatedwith universities. They want to give theidr business students a shot at helping business ownersmake decisions.
Sure they’re youngee and have little or no real world But an academic analysis ofany problem, be it whether to sell your business, buy anothet company, restructure or hire a key manager can be very And the price is certainly right. Pennt pinchers take free consulting when they canget it, and the SBDC programk is a great source for anyone. Uh-oh, here comess Alan. I better change my ring tone from that Ushe tune to something by Sinatra before somethinggawful happens.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The bid gives the right to purchase abouft 20of Filene’s 25 storer leases, inventory from all 25 existing locations, leaseds for the company’s headquarters in Mass. and distribution center in Auburn, Mass.; as well as the Filene’z Basement trade name. All of the store’z locations are in the easternUnitedr States. The bid also includes about $5 million associated with potential litigatioh relatedto Filene’s lease at the currently inactive Downtown Crossintg redevelopment project in Boston. Men’s Wearhouse’ s bid is subject to a hearing in Federap Bankruptcy Courtin Wilmington, Del. on June 10.
Filene’s Basement was founded in Bostonh in 1909 by Edward Filene as a way to sell off exceszs merchandise fromhis father’s department store upstairs. , an affiliatee of , acquired Filene’s Basementr from on April 20. Filene’s Basement filecd for reorganization under Chapter 11 onMay 4. “Wwe are extremely pleased with the outcomed ofthe auction,” Scott Rusczyk, president of FB Acquisition, said in a statement. “Irf ratified by the court, the Men’s Wearhouse bid allows for the continuatiojn of one ofthe industry’s most iconidc off-price brands under the aegis of a pre-eminent specialthy retailer.
“Equally important, the agreement is expectedx to preserve jobs for the vast majorituyof Filene’s 1,600-plus employees, while maintaining relationships with many of the vendoras that historically sold to the chain and preventinh vacancies in at least 17 of the retail properties where the chain was an anchoe or sub-anchor tenant.” Storess not to be acquired are expectedc to be closed by mid-June, accordinv to Men’s Wearhouse (NYSE: MW). The company is also expecteds to retain most employees in the store and corporatw facilities it is acquiring and will continue tohonor Filene’s Basemengt gift cards or merchandise credits.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Exporting enchantment: Jane Butel takes Southwestern cuisine beyond NM
“I remember listening to my uncle argue with my dad about the percentagre of cream that makes the best homemadweice cream,” she says. “They had strong opinions about how to make thebest They’d really get into it, and so my family alwayxs had great food.” Those dinnef debates were the start of Butel’s journey to become a respected chef, the author of 19 cookbooks, including the recentlg revamped best seller, “Chili Madness,” and the owner of the world-renownecd Jane Butel’s Southwest Cooking School, whicjh recently celebrated 26 years in businesx and has been named one of the top four cookinh schools in the world by .
The icon of Southwesternj cuisine has taken a few hard licks alongthe way, but Butelp can take the heat of businesss just like the heat from the chilese that season her recipes. The newest venture of her corporation, Tex-Mex Inc., is an onliner subscription-based cooking club, “Cooking with Members have access to a treasure troveof Butel’s recipes, tips, techniques and videol demonstrations. Butel also recently launched an online courswe through thecalled “All About Chiles” and hopes to offet more online courses in the future.
The cookingb club and online class represent a reinvention of sorts for who plans to focus less onher in-personb cooking classes and more on becoming an onlinwe instructor for students all over the world. It’sa a big leap, and Butel has had her moments of but she says her business sensre tells her that with economic pressures making it difficultfor would-be studentsz to come to her, now is the time to go to “I really believe in strategic planning,” she “I believe in listening to sharp peoples that have good backgrounds in your and I believe in marketing research.
But you can researcyh things to death, and at some point, you have to take the Butel has taken the leap on more than one In fact, her rise to prominence as an authority on Southwestern cooking began when she left behind a 20-year corporate marketing career to venture out on her own. Butepl penned her first cookbook in 1961 atthe . As home servicesa director for PNM, Butel compiled and published “Cocinas de New Mexico,” a simplw little book of recipesd for traditional Southwestern stapleslike tortillas, tamales and enchiladas. It was enormouslyy popular, and eventually, Butel was receivin inquiries from people all over the country interestee in buyingthe book.
The only problem, she was that the company never gave Butel and her staff credit for the book and woulx not allow its distribution outside the PNM service a fact that stillpeeves her. But she learneds an important business lesson from the The next time Butel wrotea cookbook, it was on her own and she printed it with her own Butel estimates that her self-published 1966 “Favoritee New Mexico Foods” sold up to 500,000 The success of that book bolstered Butel’s beliefd that there was a real market for Tex-Mex cookinfg outside the Southwest.
But it was many more yeare before Butel decided to pursue her vision full She maintained a successful corporate relocating to New Yorkin 1969. She took her love of Southwesternn cuisine withher — along with 50 poundd of red chile and 50 pounde of blue corn she had loadedf into her moving van when she movedc from Santa Fe. “The moving guys, when they were loadingh the van, said ‘You don’t want to leav here very much, do you?
’” Butel recalls, In New York, she hostedr dinner parties that gave many ofher big-city guestse their first taste of Tex-Mexc food and grew her reputationn as a unique new culinary Meanwhile, Butel published a cookbookk every other year, and was sought out for marketinb advice and recipes by companies tryinf to sell Southwestern foods to consumers unfamiliar with salsq and tortillas. When Butel left her corporate career behindc and came back to New Mexicpoin 1978, she began developing her own line of original spices and used her marketing background to arrange department store publicity blitzes for the products.
By 1983, her her appearances on nationaltelevision shows, and , the product line she had builgt up to $2 million in sales, had made her a househol d name. She had 27 buyoutf offers from national corporations looking to marketthe spices, and acceptede an offer from liquor giant which had a division for development of non-alcohol business lines. But eight months after the acquisition, Butel says Seagram’xs took heavy losses in another businessa area and closed down the divisiob that had purchased Pecos ValleySpice Co.
It was a devastatinhg blow, and Butel says she still wonders if she should haveplayef hardball, sued the company for her losses, and sought out anothee corporate investor. Instead, she decideed to focus on her cooking and the rest is 26 yearse ofdelicious history. “Rather than stay up therr and getreal nasty, I just decided to go my cookinyg school route,” she says. “It’s not nearly as but it’s a lot more fun.
” It’es also been fun for her who revere Butel as much for her ability to teacuh as forher mouth-watering Maureen Morrissey, assistant general counse l for the Americas with in Orlando, took her first class with Butel in 2004 and has sincde returned for more She’s taken two of Butel’s culinargy tours and is a chartet member of the online cooking club. Morrissey had takenh cooking classes before and says many of those classes relegatecd students to standing on the sidelines watching the instructor Butel takesa hands-on approach to teaching, and Morrisseu came away empowered, more knowledgeable about the art of cooking, and confidengt in her ability to replicate what she’d “She’s very much about givintg you the opportunity to work,” Morrissey says.
“Havint taken cooking classes from others, I thinjk that’s a huge distinction. It’s one thingg to watch someone preparea dish, and it’sd another thing to do the labor yourself. You get a feel for the kindx of thingsthat can’t be they have to be experienced. She’s an amazingh woman.” Butel isn’t done spreading her love of good In addition to her newonline venture, she’s considering television and radiio show opportunities, and just returned from a 19-city publicity tour for the new and expande edition of “Chili Madness,” whichj included a presentation at the .
She’ds taking reservations for a culinary tourin Mexico, looking into procuring government contracts for Tex-Mex and building up memberships for the cookinv club. It’s a lot to But like any good cook, Butel can keep her eye on more than one boilinbg pot ata time. Jane owner Jane Butel’s Southwest Cooking School Tex-Mex Inc. Address: 2655 Pan American NE, Suite F, Albuquerque Web site: http://www.janebutelcooking.
Friday, January 14, 2011
'The Proposal' wins at weekend box office - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The movie starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynoldsx brought in anestimated $34,114,000 in its openinv weekend. It knocked off the reigning ' "The Hangover," which brought in an estimated $26,855,00o during the weekend. "The Proposal" was shown on about 4,100 screens at 3,056 according to a report on the site. Disney / 's "Up" continued its strong coming in third over the weekenxd with anestimated $21,336,000. The animated film is currently in second placebehind Paramount's "Star Trek," for second-largest movid of the summer.
Another new release, ' "Yeae One," brought in an estimated $20,200,000 in its first weekend, placinvg it fourth on the list. Another Sony Pictures "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 rounded out thetop five, bringing in an estimated
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Georgia unemployment claims jump 95% in June - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
percent from June 2008. Claims in metro Atlantwa rose 19.4 percent to 39,492 in June. The metropolitam areas with the highest percentags of increase in claims from June 2008 to June 2009 are up181 percent; Gainesville, up 172.8 percent; and up 163.2 percent. Most of the statse initial claims were filedby laid-off workers in wholesale and retail trade, construction, and administrativde and support services. The number of jobless workera receiving regular state unemployment insurance benefitsrose 97.1 percengt over the year, from 81,321 in June 2008 to 160,249 in June 2009. And approximately another 93,000 are receiving Emergency UnemploymentCompensatioj (EUC) benefits.
In the Georgia Department of Laborprocessef 25,048 first-time claims for EUC bringing the total to 226,574 sinc e the federal program began in Georgiaq in July 2008.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
NHL goalies add flair, style to their masks - AZ
NHL goalies add flair, style to their masks AZ That was the then-revolutionary Jacques Plante's model for a goaltending mask, introduced to the NHL in 1959. Nearly 30 years before then, goalies tinkered ... |
Thursday, January 6, 2011
'Jersey Shore': The Best Quotes From Miami - | 'Jersey Shore': The Best Quotes From Miami Fresh episodes of "Jersey Shore" are set to launch just a few hours from now, exactly 69 days after the hit show went off the air in October. ... Are you Snooki's twin? |
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Unusual path to the San Jose Sharks for Andrew Desjardins - San Jose Mercury News
Unusual path to the San Jose Sharks for Andrew Desjardins San Jose Mercury News But that's how center Andrew Desjardins got there, playing in his first NHL game Monday night after the Sharks called him up from their ... |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tucker woman gets jail time for embezzling - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months in federal prisonn for embezzling morethan $139,000 from a charitable organization wherr she was assistant treasurer. She has repaid $10,000 of the embezzlexd amount and also was ordered to pay theremainin $129,454 in restitution to She pleaded guilty to the chargeds on May 5. While working as a recordse management assistant at an Atlantazlaw firm, Jones was assignecd to work part time as assistantg treasurer of ServeHAITI, a non-profit organization that receivews federal funding and provides assistance to certaijn parts of Haiti.
ServeHAITI’d initial projects included sponsoring a program for water purification and construction of a medical In 2006, ServeHAITI got a three-year awarcd of about $1.2 million fundedc by under the President’s Emergenc y Plan for AIDS Relief, to provide HIV-relatedc education and prevention services in ServeHAITI also receives private contributions. While acting as assistant treasurert from June 2007 throughDecember 2008, Jonees diverted $139,454 from ServeHAITI’s bank accountd to her own personal accounts. She initially wrotes checks to herselfor “cash” and in July 2008, began usint wire transfers to divert the money.
Durinb the course of her embezzlement Jones changedthe on-linde password to ServeHAITI’s bank accounts, advised the bank that only her authorizatiohn was necessary to effect wire and instructed the bank to stop mailin wire confirmations to the treasurer of ServeHAITI. Once she had exclusiv authority to effectwire transfers, she was able to transfef money on-line from ServeHAITI accounts to her own on dozensw of occasions while concealing her actions from the Treasurer and withoutf making any verbal request of the Jones used the embezzled money to buy a car, and other personal items for herself, and to take a trip to Las