•Todd Brown, partner in the law firm of in itsCharlottew office. •Yvonne Mims Evans, Superior Court judge in the 26th Judicialo Districtsince 2003. •Jill Flynn, managing director of , a leadershi p consulting firmshe co-founded in 2001. •Henry Lomaxz Jr., chief investment officer, . •Thomas Ross, president of . •Jane teacher of social studies at Concorc Middle School for22 years. •Saran Crowder, policy administrator for . The volunteer panel was unaffiliated with theUnitesd Way. It was assisted by counsep paid for by a donationfrom .
Panelists interviewes 12 current and former members of the boarc and staff ofUnited Way; several officials from Unitedc Way of America; and professionals from consulting, accountintg and legal firms. The panel collected and reviewexd United Way of Central Carolinaes documents that include minutes of the board andcommittees meetings; retirement plans and related agreements; annual operating planxs and financial statements; conflict-of-interest, whistleblower and othef selected policies; and miscellaneouw correspondence.
The panel also considered policieas and standards of the United Way of America and governance “best practice” publications from multiple The panel met eigh times before making its recommendations Monday.